Expert mode

Want to perform some more advanced tasks? First the standard disclaimer: make sure to set your unsubscribed channels, ppv channels, channels with parental lock and such as Hidden (through the web admin) if you plan on using the Expert mode features, otherwise you might end up recording multiple hours of your provider asking you to subscribe or enter a code...

General settings tab

Want to change some advanced settings that might not be available in the Web admin yet?

General settings

Guide update tab

Want more controls over when the Guide updates should be happening?

Guide update

Conflict(s) tab


Want BTV-Negociator to automatically try to solve any conflicts that would resolve in some of your shows not being recorded? To help select the alternate choices, you can also specify a list of Favorite channels (like your HD channels) or specify if you want the Earlier possibility chosen.

Search tab

Want BTV-Negociator to automatically schedul recording jobs for the results of your searches?


You will need to enable the "Auto record Search results", decide if you want to "Record on any channel" and decide the recording Frequency of each type of searches.
