This is where you provide the informations to connect to the BTV-Server, the language file to use (English and French included) and the auto-refresh timer (in hour).
When the Auto-refresh is greater than 0, a reconnection to the server will be performed after that interval (in hour), to verify for updated lists (setting up a daily Guide update will disable this field). If the auto-refresh timer is greater than zero and a conflict is detected, with BTV 3.x a fake job will be programmed (one year in the future at the highest priority) so that you have a warning in Beyond TV, while for BTV 4.x a warning will be displayed in the Viewscape. You can load/save the configuration file from this tab. The maximum number of search results can be set (BTV's limit is 200). When using the Auto-launch feature, you can set a delay to make sure that BTV has time to load after a reboot (or switching on the PC). The Auto search (NetFlix) and Expert mode are described in another section. The log file is usefull for debugging purposes and to keep track of what BTV-Negociator has done...
Here you can chose the font type, font size and colors of the various texts and backgrounds.
This allows to personalize what you want or do not want to see. More details are given in other sections
In addition to writing to the BTV-Negociator.log file, you can also monitor was as been going on by looking at the Log sub-tab.