BTV-Negociator (cross between the French négociateur and English negotiator as both language files are included, feel free to send me yours...) is a little project that I started to teach myself C#. It is an add-on for Beyond TV 3.5+, originally created to help resolve recording conflicts. Since then, extra features such as changing the recording frequency, creating mass recording, removing blocked/forced/recent recordings, showing duplicate recordings, performing permanent searches, performing Guide updates, launching VLC to perform Firewire recordings and performing more tasks automatically have been added.
Through the use of a context menu appropriate to the current list (accessed by right-clicking), it is possible to create/modify Recording jobs, add Searches, remove/force/block a specific recording, etc.
In addition, some tasks can be performed automatically like the Guide updates at times that will not impact your recording/LiveTV viewing, possibly followed by a reboot of the machine. Using the Expert mode, more advanced features like removing Duplicates, solving Conflicts and creating Recording jobs that match some search criteria, can be performed automatically when the program is launched or at a specific interval (such as when the Guide is updated). Make sure to set your unsubscribed channels, ppv channels, channels with parental lock and such as Hidden (through the web admin) if you plan on using the Expert mode features, otherwise you might end up recording multiple hours of your provider asking you to subscribe or enter a code...
The current version (3.65) can be downloaded here.
The application does not come with an installer, so just unzip the file in the appropriate folder and run BTV-Negociator.exe from there or through a shortcut. If the BTV-Server is not located at http://localhost:8129 (how do you access the web admin from this machine?) with a blank password, BTV-Negociator will go to the Configuration tab, sub-tab Parameters so you can input the appropriate values (remember to save...). The BTV license information is automatically obtained from the appropriate registry key (version 3.5+ of BTV registered, BTV-Link registered, unregistered, on a BTV 4 server no license is required).
I strongly recommand to set your unsubscribed channels as Hidden to avoid false alternatives/recordings... More informations and some pictures can be found in the Instructions section or by consulting this forum thread.
This application is freeware but I do accept donations.