Here are older UI windows developped while making my current UI. For questions/comments/requests, I can be reached at:
You will need your bags and stats elsewhere...
You need bags and stats elsewhere...
For Melee (max. endurance) or Caster (max. mana). You will need your bags elsewhere...
For Melee (max. endurance) or Caster (max. mana). You will need your bags elsewhere...
For my Traders, with the bags and money easily accessible on the first tab...
Updated versions for DoHH... Had to go back to the 40x40 icons since the evolving items/shroud progression tabs required more space anyway... For Melee (max. endurance) or Caster (max. mana).
A version with expanded bags here (inspired by Danoris' bank UI). The Evolving Items tab also includes the max hp/endurance/mana. WARNING: EQ has no error checking regarding the unavailable slots in a bag (i.e. do not try to put an item in slot 9 of a 2 slots bag, this could lead to a crash or a lost of items)... Updated for TBS.
It now contains the stats/infos/AA points
The Melee version also have some clickies and shows the endurance instead of mana.
It contains the infos/AA points.
Well, it's really a 7 in 1 window as it contains: 1) hot buttons window, 2) casting window, 3) player window, 4) health of target's target window, 5) primary, secondary and range swapping, 6) the 8 bags and 7) informations such as AA %, real Exp %, current endurance/mana in numbers...
Mostly the same elements as C), but in a different presentation...
Well, it's really a 9 in 1 window as it contains: 1) hot buttons window, 2) casting window, 3) player window, 4) health of target's target window, 5) primary, secondary and range swapping, 6) the 8 bags and 7) informations such as AA %, real Exp %, group Exp %, current endurance in numbers, 8 ) your stats and 9) clickies...
Well, it's really a 8 in 1 window as it contains: 1) hot buttons window, 2) casting window, 3) player window, 4) health of target's target window, 5) primary, secondary and range swapping, 6) the 8 bags and 7) informations such as AA %, real Exp %, group Exp %, current endurance/mana in numbers and 8 ) your clickies...